Friday, October 31, 2008

Temple Hoping and Elephant Bathing

The last few days have been a blast. very busy and very exciting. I love it here. THailand reminds me of a cleaner and less crowded india with less poverty. Marissa and I are having a lot of fun. everyone thinks we're on our honeymoon.I'm not sure why.

I think maybe I'll break it up into sections:

On Ester

As I mentioned in my last post we are being hosted by a lady named Esther. We found her on we thought that we were going to stay with her at her house but as it turns out she owns a guest house and she gave us a room. IT has been really great. the room usually costs about 2000 baht per night (about70 dollars) as compared to our 150 baht per night guest house that we had budgeted. we get our laundry done, free internet, free meals, and water in our rooms. but the best part is that Esther hads been showing us around and helping us organize our stay.

Esther is quite a character. She was born in singapore (I think) and educated at cambridge. she is 42, and a partner at a local law firm. She is wealthy and always telling us about shopping trips in Milan and meeting mick Jager.

Day One (continued)

when I last posted Esther was about to take us out ot lunch. SHe took us along with another couch surfer and a friend from england to local hole in wall restaurant and ordered us about 6 dishes. After words she took us out to this great bakery in one of the nice hotels. Esther paid for everything.

Day two

Yesterday went to the elephnt santuary. IT was really fun. we fed the elephants and we bathed them and we hung out with them. The santctuary was really impressive. despite being a big part of the culture, elephants in thailand are almost extinct. the shelter resues abused elephants from the tourist and logging industry and takes them into the park. there were about 40 elephants.

at night we were planning on going to the night market but we fell asleep at about 8 and missed it.

Day Three

Today went temple hoping. it was was amazing the temples here are so beautiful and peaceful. we hired a driver for the day for about 150 baht (3 dollars) and drove everywhere.

Afterwords we got an hour long thai massage. It was so nice. tonight we are going to a reggae concert.

the rest of the week

Tomorrow we are going on a daytrip to the highest mountain in THailand. the following three days we are going on a trek to stay with one of the hilltribes. (think national geographic long necks with rings around the neck)


Anonymous said...

Hey Babe! That sounds so great. I'm so jealous. And what is this about a Honeymoon...Marcus! I'm so glad you're having a great time. Do you still have your mohawk?

David said...

yea the mohawk is going strong although it's a little poofy now because it grew out

Me said...

Maybe they think you are on a honeymoon because you are making out all the time...

Mariam and I are insanely jealous now. Maybe this blog isn't a good idea.

David said...

wow I didn't know that you felt that way anna-lisa

Me said...

no....we are jealous of your trip to Thailand: elephants, massages, yummy food, free couch surfing, warm weather, temples. DUH.


Unknown said...

af·ter·ward Listen to the pronunciation of afterward
or af·ter·wards Listen to the pronunciation of afterwards \-wərdz\
13th century

: at a later or succeeding time : subsequently , thereafter

afterwords-- after having words?

I'm super jealous too . . . i want to go there on my honeymoon. I suppose when we traveled together people thought we were on a honeymoon too which is even weirder

iowagirl said...

Ah, to be young and carefree again. Enjoy every minute of it!

fosterstone said...

Sounds like an amazing honeymoon. I want to see pictures of the hill people with no rings...On second thought don't do that! I hear that without the rings their necks would break. You should take some thai cooking classes and make all the readers of your blog a meal upon returning.