Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Week 4: Bays and Buses

I am in the middle of a ten day Vietnam tour. (and thus in the middle of vietnam in Hoi Ann) we bought "open tour ticket" which allows us to travel from Hanoi to Saigon and stop whenever we want. We travel on these large "sleeper buses" which are pretty comfortable (thank god becasue it's a lot of driving)

We Flew into Hanoi from Luang Prabang and spent a day and a hlaf there. Hanoi is everything that Luang Prabang is not - loud, crowded, and full of energy. It kind of felt like a mix between India and New York with a franch influence. In general the Vietnamese seem to be the New Yorkers of SE Asia. THey just have a similar vibe. We spent the day in Hanoi going to various sites and arranging our travel for the rest of the trip.

Halong Bay
From Hanoi we went to Halong bay and did a three day "cruise". Halong bay is this natural wonder it is this emerald bay with over 3000 small islands in it. We had a lot of fun. We spend one night on a "junk" and one night at a hotel on the only inhabited island in the bay.

Hoi An
From Halong Bay we caught a bus back to Hanoi and then went straight to a night bus to Hue and then went straight to a bus to Hoi ann where we have spent the last day and a half. The trip took a total of about 20 hours. We were pretty wiped out by it. Hoi an is very pretty. It is a pretty small town filled with tailors (that will make anything you can imagine) and ancient architecture from the french colonial age and the chinese occupation. the middle of Vietnam is the opposite season as the rest of SE Asia and it has been raining here none stop. THe whole town is flooded. We spent the last two days wandering the town and we took a day trip see Cham Ruins.

From Here
Tonight we take a bus to Ngha Tran (spelling?) we are hoping there weather will be a little nice because it is a beach town. From there we go to Mui ne and then Saigon where catch another bus to Pnom Penn in cambodia. We will be in Cambodia until the 9th when we fly to Bali.

I've noticed that the comments have been pretty low lately. the blog takes up quiit a bit of time so if your reading it let me know by posting a comment. If no one is reading it (that would be nice to know) I will stop posting. Hope everyone has a happy thanksgiving! I'm not sure what I'll be doing for it yet.


fosterstone said...

You're awfully demanding! I will keep commenting but I want more stories! Not how you got there, but what you did along the way, how it made you feel, and your personal experience. You could write it in a journal and then type it whenever you get the opportunity. I understand that it is a lot of time to keep up a blog while traveling, I am really happy that you're doing it....I like to hear where you are.

Dude, you should get some sweet clothes in Hoi An if you have the chance.

Hope all is going well, and I look forward to hearing about Bali!

I miss you sniffles!

Me said...

I'm reading!
Sounds amazing. I hope you are taking a lot of pictures.


Unknown said...

Not only am I reading, but I am reading carefully enough to find typos (which jivan wont let me post). We'll miss you at 1748 this Christmas for the Averbach-RB-Gritz-Hall reunion. I'm soooooooooooo jealous! Your trip sounds amazing.

David said...

apparently you weren't reading carefully enough when i said that i wasn't going to check my blog because it's not worth my time :) all well I'll be at the real reunion in april

Anonymous said...

haha...Sarah you totally remind me of my sister. I've been reading...of course! however, I don't get email notices when you've posted. I only get them when someone has commented...actually lately I haven't been getting those either... hmmm? love, m